Categories: life

Mother Upset After Son’s Teacher Told Her To Stop Adding Homemade Biscuits In His Lunchbox

An outraged mother has spoken out about her son’s teacher who asked her not to place homemade biscuits in her child’s lunchbox unless she prepares them for everyone in the class.


Australian-based mother Joanne was shocked when her son brought homemade biscuits that she’s given him back home untouched.

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Along with the biscuits, there was a note that read:


“Dear mummy, can you please avoid sending cookies unless there is one for everyone. It’s difficult for the other children when one has treats. Thank you.”


According to the mother, her son’s teacher didn’t allow him to finish the biscuits and told him not to bring them to the class in the future.


Speaking about the incident on Facebook, the mother wrote:

“I got this note sent home in my son’s lunchbox because he had homemade biscuits in his lunchbox. I was horrified but didn’t lose sleep over it, I figured I’d talk to the teacher the next day and see what she meant.”


The following day, the mum was in for another surprise when she went to talk to the teacher.

“She said it was ‘policy that homemade goods aren’t encouraged unless there was enough to share with everyone.’ I questioned why and tried to talk to her openly but she said that it wasn’t encouraged.


“I asked if a pack of Tiny Teddies or Shapes would be okay and she said ‘that would be fine.’ So… I questioned how a homemade biscuit with four ingredients isn’t encouraged, but a processed packet supermarket option was okay?


“She just kept saying it was policy and that the parent committee runs the policies so I’d need to take it up with them.”

After the mum, who manages an additive-free living business, confronted the teacher and asked her if she could get the chance to come in and talk to other parents about appropriate foods for their children’s lunches, she was shut down once again.


“She shut me down and questioned why I was feeling so passionate about this. I got nowhere,” Joanne said.


Following the mother’s online complaint, other parents soon backed her up.

“That is madness! You are doing an amazing job of educating others. Keep going one family at a time and the ripple effect will catch up. Some are slow learners,” one mother said.


“That is absolutely ridiculous! How dare they shut down a parent supplying their child with decent food! As a teacher I am constantly battling the opposite way, I can’t imagine discouraging home baked goods. Keep fighting the good fight,” one teacher added.


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