Categories: life

Muslim Doctor Fired After Tweeting She Would Give Jews Wrong Medications On Purpose

A 27-year-old Muslim doctor Lara Kollab has been slammed after it was found that she had been posting anti-Semitic content on social media for several years.


Among other sickening tweets, Lara referred to the Jewish people as “dogs” and said she hoped for Allah to “kill the Jews.” She has also tweeted that she’d “purposely give all the Jews the wrong meds.”


Since the doctor’s posts went viral, the Cleveland Clinic condemned her actions and confirmed that Lara is no longer working with them. She did, however, keep her medical license.


“This individual was employed as a supervised resident at our hospital from July to September 2018 … in no way do these beliefs reflect those of our organization,” Cleveland Clinic statement read.


Dr. Kollab, who posted anti-Semitic content under alias Elle Kay, was spreading hatred from 2011 to 2017.

In October 2012, Lara said that the Holocaust is “exaggerated” while in August 2013 she wrote: “May Allah take back [end the lives] of the Jews so we stop being forced to go to those unclean ones.”


Ironically, the racist doctor graduated at a Jewish-affiliated college in N.Y. and was awarded a medical degree just last year.


After the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine heard of their alumni’s inappropriate tweets, the medical school released the following statement:


“Touro College is appalled by the anti-Semitic comments reportedly made by Lara Kollab, a graduate of the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine.


“The mission of Touro College is to educate, perpetuate and enrich the historic Jewish tradition of tolerance and dignity.

“We are shocked that one of our graduates would voice statements that are antithetical to Touro and to the physicians’ Hippocratic Oath.”


Despite getting slammed by all sides and being forced into shutting down all of her social media accounts, Lara’s medical license extends to 2021.


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