Categories: Animals/Petslife

79-Year-Old Nancy Segula Sentenced to Imprisonment for Feeding Stray Cats in Garfield Heights

Nancy Segula, a resident of Garfield Heights in Ohio for nearly thirty years, had a happy little family comprising of her husband Edward and her bunch of cats.


But, it all changed two years back for the 79-year old women when her husband and her cats passed away.


Naturally, she felt lonely and missed her companions terribly. So, she turned her attention to the other cats and kittens of her neighborhood. In fact, some of those cats were left behind by a neighbor of Segula.


It started with about six or eight adult cats and now there are kittens, as well. It was all nice and peachy as the cats and kittens helped ease her loneliness.

As the cats kept coming to her house, she also started giving some food regularly to the strays.


Now you must be thinking, what harm can there be in feeding the stray animals? Well, in Garfield Heights, it is a problem that is major enough to have an ordinance dedicated especially to that.


The ordinance prohibits feeding stray cats and dogs in the area and calls it a minor misdemeanour. The reason behind it is that feeding the strays without trapping them will lead to overpopulation.

If Segula keeps feeding the strays, they will not go near human traps and that makes it more difficult to trap and adopt them.


Bonnie Hackett, the animal warden for the region, says that Segula had been warned time and again but she kept ignoring it. The neighbors had been complaining about her actions for quite a while now.


Hackett has already caught twenty-two cats from the area and she believes there are ten or twelve more over there.


She has already paid 2,000 dollars in fine and has been sentenced to ten days in jail. Dave Pawlowski, son of Nancy Segula, asked authorities to not send her elderly mother to jail.


Segula has sent out a plea for help and Amy Beichler, the executive director of PAWS, has promised to assist her in the matter.

Segula hopes the judge will reconsider giving her jail time at the hearing scheduled on 6th August.

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