Categories: Animals/Petslife

This Little Kitty and Pup Got in a Fight Over Their Favorite Napping Spot

This game is quite straightforward, Pepper, the dog, must not follow Eva, the kitten to take the pillow for the best napping spot on the bed.


Do you want to know who won this battle? Then check out the video to find out, and you will certainly love it.


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We all know the love and hate relationship between the cat and the dog. And when you give them an object that they both live, all you have to do is wait for hell to break loose.


In this video, you can clear these adorable little animals to love the bed and would not stop their fight until they are resting in the best spot. This is an adorable fight that you don’t want to miss out on.


Sure we have seen some fight between cats and dogs getting ugly and vicious, but this one is just plain adorable and playful.


After a lot of attempts, the dachshund just gives up the fight and let the cat have the sport. Such a gentleman he is for doing that.

With these two playful creatures in the house, we bet there is no dull moment for the owner.


The family must witness such playful banter on a daily basis. Besides, nothing bonds siblings more than their playful battles.


Cats are funny and known for their sassy attitude. And, not to forget they are extremely cuddly. As for dogs, they are the most loving creatures on this planet.

Their joyous and playful nature can just melt anyone’s heart. So when you have these two together, there is sure to have a lot of fun in that house.


We hope these two continue to be this playful and strengthen their bond through such adorable battles.

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“Dog Has Hilarious Reaction To Cat Snapping At Her”

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