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20 Photos Proving That Nature Has A Very Artistic Sense Of Humor

funny art nature.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 20 Photos Proving That Nature Has A Very Artistic Sense Of Humor

Once in a while, you will see something funny and at the same time beautiful.


Nature can really work up some magic and it’s very amazing to see those things.

Below are photos showing things both unique and amusing parts of nature.


#1. “Breaking the law.. Slowly.”

20 Photos Proving That Nature Can Joke Around Better Than a Stand-Up Comic



#2. When nature created a giant icicle that looks like a stalker ghost that froze to death:



#3. These look like floating mouths saying, “Are you just gonna pass by without saying ‘Hey’?”



#4. This pigeon built a nest on a metro status board, despite the giant anti-bird spikes — nature will always find a way!


#5. Baby cactus wants a hug!


#6. “I chose the biggest avocado to make guacamole…”



#7. You said you wanted some ivy? Here you go.


#8. “This crazy ice wave formation happened from snow slowly melting off the tin roof of my patio.”



#9. If you want to wake up next to floating monkey faces staring at you, you should definitely buy these orchids!



#10. A little snowy today


#11. Seems like this tree changed its mind a few times.



#12. Don’t provoke beavers.


#13. The dog`s ear looks like a whole other dog!

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Happy Selfie(ear) Sunday!????? • • I also have a spot on my back that looks like an apple!?? Were you born with any interesting markings? • • • • #dogs #dogsofinstagram #dogsofworld #petslover #petsofinstagram #petsofworld #pitbulls #pitbulllover #pitbullsofinstagram #pitbullworld #pitbulladvocate #pitbullmix #rescuedog #selfiepup #selfiesunday #selfieear #furmarkings #funatthepark #muttpeach #piperspack5 #pupeel6 #tailfmp #rochesterny #greecenypoint 681 | 1


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#14. “Cruella de Vil’s dream dog”



#15. iNature


#16. A little extra



#17. There was a tennis racket placed over a tree many years ago. The tree didn’t mind. It grew right through it.



#18. Rain made the grass look like a Van Gogh painting.


#19. “This horse has an upvote on its nose.”



#20. I guess nature was a fan of Disney on the day this guy was born.



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