Categories: Family

79-Year-Old Begged For Help After His Rude Neighbor Blocked His Driveway

neighbor blocks driveway.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 79-Year-Old Begged For Help After His Rude Neighbor Blocked His Driveway

Image via WFTV

As Elias Hicks once said, “to be a Christian is to love God above all, and our neighbor as ourselves.


” But as you know, it isn’t always the case!! Everyone has at least one awful neighbor story, but sadly this man had to deal with one neighbor’s bad attitude before he even moved in!

79-year-old Oliver Lynch has lived in his home in Osceola County, Florida, for the past 25 years. He loves the area, and never had any previous problems with anyone on his street. So imagine the shock he had when he came home to a row of blocks cemented straight down his driveway. It’s as if they appeared out of thin air! He couldn’t understand why anyone would do this.

image via: WTFV 9
image via: WTFV 9

It wasn’t until later that he learned that his new neighbor who bought the vacant plot of land beside him believed that half of his driveway was in fact impeding on his purchase. Tired, and scared of what could happen, he decided to go public with the issue.


“I have little fight left in me, and I hate to see somebody bulldoze over me,” Lynch told Channel 9’s Ryan Hughes at the time. “I just hate to be bullied.”

Lynch decided to contact a lawyer to learn his rights, Lynch had the records that showed two 12-foot driveways are in fact allowed side-by-side.

Image via WFTV

“What’s he going do with these extra few yards of concrete?” Lynch asked.

After initially contacting the neighbor, Lynch told Channel 9 that,  “He said he was a minister or something like that. [A] God-fearing man. But I don’t think that’s very Christian-like!”


After the story went viral online from local news coverage, the neighbor seemingly changed his tune. Lynch said his neighbor told him he “meant no ill will” before removing the blocks from the driveway. The video has been viewed over 3 million times.


Seems like he was caught red handed! What do you think?

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