Categories: Healthlife

New ‘Decoy’ Molecule Can Kill A Tumor

In the world we live in today there is a new disease developing each day that are capable enough to kill you.


But the fear of a tumor is something that can never be decreased.

A tumor if develops in your body will not only break your body up but will also affect the mental wellbeing. Simply because even though medical science is at it’s top right now, there still are several cases of tumor doctors are not able to treat. These tumors then end up killing people.

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Well, researchers are working day and night to be able to find something that can protect the human race from these tumors. And this new creation can be good news for the entire human race.


Researchers have created the ‘decoy’ molecule that can kill tumors by tricking them. The molecules work in attracting cancer molecules to the calcium storage in the body where the cancer cells are not able to thrive anything, unlike other molecules that act as feed to the cells.


A test was conducted on rats and as a result, it was obtained that cancer cells were working worse because of this molecule. It also slows down the growth of the tumor developing in the body.


Well, researchers are hoping that this new molecule can help them in creating a drug that helps in killing the tumor of various types of cancer.


Hebrew University, Jerusalem till now has never lead research on a protein basis but being their first research in the term, they are looking forward to finding success in the same.


Cancer is becoming one of the main causes of mortality in the world with every 4th person being affected by the same. Yes, there are thousands of treatments available for the same but again. There is no surety on any one treatment working on the needful patient.



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