Categories: life

New York Times Was Forced to Change the Headline of Trump’s Condolence for the Mass Shooting

We are all aware of the mass shooting that shook up the nation and humanity.


We are all giving our condolences to the victims of the incident and agreeing with President Donald Trump, yes, we need to condemn racism out of the nation.


This is the time we are all standing up with the words Donald Trump spoke but the New York Times has represented it in the dark light and the headlines the newspaper used has outraged several of its readers who have given up their subscription because of the same.


The issue came out when people read New York Times and the headline got their eye, the headline regarding the condolence speech President of the United States gave was represented in words that out ragged several people.


Many subscribers decided to give up their subscription of the newspaper and this was enough to force NYT to change the headline they had used.


It was a tragic day for the nation as 29 people died and about 26 people were injured in the mass shooting that took place in Texas and Ohio.


Expressing his condolence on the same, the President said that America is our home and there is no place for hate in the country. He said that we need to condemn racism, white supremacy and bigotry.


He said that hatred only takes place in the mind, creeps into it and make the soul and the heart slaves of the hate that should not have prevailed in the first place.


He said that it is the time that the nation stands united to cut out the default and sinister practices in the society after the major incident that just took away several lives leaving all in grief.


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