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More New Yorkers See Ocasio-Cortez As A Villain Rather Than A Hero After Ruining The Amazon Deal

a3 5.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - More New Yorkers See Ocasio-Cortez As A Villain Rather Than A Hero After Ruining The Amazon Deal

Louder with Crowder



Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has been a vocal opponent to Amazon’s plans to put up a second headquarters in Queens, New York. When Amazon pulled out of that deal, and the 25,000 jobs it would have generated, it should have been a cause for celebration. Instead, a recent poll by Siena College found the opposite.

The poll, taken between March 10-14, found that more New Yorkers are seeing Ocasio-Cortez as a villain rather than a hero. Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg commented, “Only 12 percent call her hero, while 38 percent label her a villain.”


And while Ocasio-Cortez may enjoy popularity among New York Democrats, the rest of the state don’t agree. According to the poll, 31% of overall respondents had a favorable impression of Ocasio-Cortez while 44% viewed her unfavorably.

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According to Greenberg: “Ocasio-Cortez, with a negative 31-44 percent favorability rating, is as well known to statewide voters after three months in office as Gillibrand is after ten years as a senator.point 285 |


While Democrats view Ocasio-Cortez favorably, independents view her unfavorably more than two-to-one and Republicans view her unfavorably, 68-6 percent.point 134 | She is viewed slightly favorably in New York City but strongly unfavorably upstate and in the downstate suburbs.point 229 |


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Furthermore, twice as many respondents supported the Amazon deal. Greenberg also said of the cancellation, “Even 56 percent of self-described liberals think it was bad for New York. While some may have celebrated Amazon’s announcement to pull the plug, the vast majority of New Yorkers of every stripe thought it was bad for the Empire State.”


Greenberg continued, “Amazon itself was seen as the biggest villain among Democrats, but Republicans and independents had Ocasio-Cortez as far and away the largest villain, followed by the local Queens activists.”

According to The Daily Wire, the left-leaning Gallup discovered through a new poll that Ocasio-Cortez’s “unfavorable” rating skyrocketed to more than double her increase in “favorable ratings.”


“Half of U.S. adults were unfamiliar with or had no opinion of her in September after her seismic primary win over the summer, but that figure has shrunk to 29% today,” Gallup reported. “But the increased visibility has not improved her overall standing with Americans.”


One tidbit also supports the Siena College poll that Ocasio-Cortez’s popularity is not widespread. The Daily Wire noted: “Gallup further noted that Ocasio-Cortez’s favorable rating was ‘underwater’ among the majority of groups and was only viewed as favorable among 56% of Democrats.”


Gallup added, “The congresswoman is viewed negatively by most Republicans, of whom 73% have an unfavorable view of her — up from 52% in September. Ocasio-Cortez is also underwater in her net favorable ratings among men (-24), whites (-24) and adults aged 55 and older (-22).”


After the deal was canceled, Ocasio-Cortez justified why killing the deal was a good idea by replying, “If we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that money if we wanted to.”


Erik Engquist, Crain’s New York Business editor, was left scratching his head at that explanation, tweeting, “I’ve been telling @AOC critics that she is smart, but what do I say when she says nonsense like ‘we could invest those $3 billion in [@amazon tax breaks] in our district. We could hire more teachers. We can fix our subways, we can put a lot of people to work for that money.’”




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