Do you remember when you first met your newborn baby?
For parents, this is one of those unforgettable moments that they will hold on to for the rest of their lives. And it’s not that surprising to see these new parents wanting to spend every single minute with their newborn.
However, doctors are now recommending parents to put their babies in a hard, flat-surface bed at night.
Essentially, doctors are telling them to put the baby in a box.
Even though some of the parents may be confused as to why this is a good idea, ‘baby box’ is actually very common all over the world.point 294 |
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More than 75 years ago, doctors in Finland originally came up with this idea to solve their high infant mortality rate.point 99 |
After they adopted this special method, the number of Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUID) dropped significantly.point 199 | Now, Finland boasts having one of the world’s lowest infant mortality rates: 2.point 272 |
52 deaths per 1,000 births.point 23 | 1
So why is using a box so effective?
According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, an ideal sleeping environment for the infants consist of a firm surface, and should not have any items such as blankets and pillows nearby. In addition, loose bedding and soft toys should be kept out of the sleeping area to prevent babies from suffocating.
And, as you can see, baby boxes perfectly fits this description.
Because this program has proven to be so effective in Finland, many countries including America have also recently started to provide the newborns with boxes.
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Not only does the box ensure the safety of the child, it also comes with a lot of necessary items for the baby.
Inside the box, parents will find a starter kit of diapers, sheets, and even educational materials.
And the best news is that these boxes will be provided for free!
In the hopes of bringing down infant mortality rate, which is about 5.9 deaths in 1000 birth, many state governments and hospitals are partnering with companies to distribute free boxes to the parents. For instance, Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia plans to supply 3,000 boxes.
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What a wonderful idea!
This will definitely help out the newborn parents by giving them the best chance to take care of their little ones.