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“That Woman Makes Me Nervous!”- Taylor Swift Fans Bash Adam Sandler For Calling Pop Star ‘Intimidating’

Taylor Swift fans have once again proved to the world that they’re in no mood to listen to anyone speaking negatively about their idol.


And that includes big names from the Hollywood industry like Adam Sandler who just called the leading pop star intimidating during his recent podcast.

Source: New York Post

Sandler spoke about how he does tend to get nervous while meeting certain people in his life and while he’s from the showbiz world, some celebs do intimidate him and Taylor Swift just happens to be one of them.

Source: New York Post

The Spaceman actor then sheds light on how he does tend to get a little jump when he’s around the pop star because of how big of a name she is in the music world. But he also added how he’s quite popular in his household too and that’s what tends to scare him sometimes.

Source: Daily Mail

‘My daughter loves her. So I cannot even begin to imagine what would happen if I ever screwed up her name or said something during our meeting that she did not like”- he continued.


Swift means a lot to Sandler’s kids, he added and that’s why he’s quite particular to speak about her in front of them.

Source: New York Post

While some found that hilarious, other Swift fans felt he needed a reality check because Swift was one of the nicest people in the world and therefore, also made sure those around her were at ease.