The legendary actor who was featured in the film Jurassic Park, Sam Neil, is giving a major update regarding his health.
The superstar says he is in his final stage of cancer and that it is spreading so far that death is not too far away from him.
The 75-year-old star says he is in the remission stage of his blood cancer. This is otherwise known as stage three. And while he did try to keep fans in a loop about what is going on, many were devastated as he did get a little emotion.
The star disclosed all of this as a part of his upcoming memoir that is titled, ‘Did I ever tell you this?’ And that is where in the first chapter he revealed how he is possibly dying.
And in the wake of his news hitting the headlines, the star took to his account on Instagram to give the mighty update on the matter.
This is where he spoke about the concept linked to remission and how he has been in it for nearly eight whole months. And as you can imagine, it was a huge shocker to so many people out there.
“As you can see, I am alive and well but I have been in remission for eight months.point 342 |
And that really does feel good.point 26 | And I am alive and kicking and now I am going to work.point 68 | I am so happy to be going to work.point 94 | We begin the process of filming in a week’s time.point 140 | The next movie that I am doing is called Apple Never Fall and it features Annette Bening”- the actor revealed.point 239 | 1
While he is more than happy to be back on the sets, he did speak of going through some of the worst periods of his life. And that is why he wrote a book while undergoing treatment as he claims that he really did want to do something during this difficult time.