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BREAKING: Fans Fear Actress Nicole Kidman Has ‘Stopped Eating’ After Star Appears ‘ Sick & Terribly Thin’

Actress Nicole Kidman was recently spotted at the airport and fans were in shock after seeing her recent appearance.


The celeb appeared drastically thin and very unwell as she headed out after a long and demanding flight.

Source: Mirror

The actress had her hair down and was seen wearing the most comfortable attire. This included a pair of shades and shoes, alongside her handbag and scarf.


Kidman is famous for her slender and very toned figure but it seems like the star might be a little busy these days and that’s appearing on her face and body.

Source: Mirror US

Kidman had just said bye to her husband Keith Urban and was now heading home after a long day. However, she did admit that she is struggling with healthy eating and having the best workout.


She stood there smiling but fans knew that deep down inside, something might not be right. This is why they are calling out the celeb to please take care of herself.

Source: Daily Mail

The iconic star says her work schedule is so hectic that it’s not even funny and therefore her habits have now become integrated into her lifestyle.


The celeb tries to devote most of her time to the world of acting, she continued. “It’s my work schedule acting in between that I need to squeeze in. And someone, I’m doing that but it does come with its fair share of drawbacks”- she added.

Source: Mirror US

The star says she had a lovely time at Christmas but it was too short. Her back-to-back acting schedule means she barely has any time left to do anything else. But fans are so concerned after seeing how frail and thin she appeared while walking through the gates of a busy airport.


Do you think Nicole Kidman has lost a lot of weight or not? Let us know in the comments section and be sure to SHARE the story with others too.