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Both Pilots On Board Aircraft Carrying 153 Passengers Fall ASLEEP Causing Plane To Veer Off Path

A passenger plane from Indonesia has left people stunned after it veered off of its course due to human error.


According to reports from local media outlets, the passenger jet went off the course when both the pilot and co-pilot fell asleep.

Source: The Mirror

Both leading members in control of the jet were said to have slept for 28 minutes in total, causing fear and panic on the plane as it went off of its respective flying course.

Source: Airline Ratings

The news comes after the country’s National Transportation Safety Committee rolled out a preliminary report on this front and how shocking of a matter the whole incident turned out to be.

Source: Daily News

While no one was injured and the flight did reach its respective final destination on time, the matter has raised eyebrows in terms of what was taking place and what the future of flying holds in terms of safety.

Source: The Day

The pilot is said to have been exhausted and wasn’t able to sleep all night because he had just become a new father to twins. So he gave the command to the co-pilot. But little did he realize that the latter would also snooze off during the journey.


The airline was identified as Batik Air and the flight was scheduled from Kendari toward the Indonesian capital city of Jakarta on January 25, local media outlets confirmed.