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Backlash Grows After Prince Harry Wins Award Set Up To Honor US War Hero KILLED

The mother of an American war hero who was killed in Afghanistan while serving in the line of duty is now speaking up about a shocking decision.


The fact that Prince Harry was being given an award that honored her late son left her stunned.

Source: AP

Harry is all set to receive that award set up in the name of Pat Tillman who is an American based football star that gave up his career to join the US Army after the 9/11 attack.


The soldier’s mom says she is so concerned about everything that is going on. She added how confused she became with the news and even mentioned how it was shocking that no one chose to consult her over this matter.

Source: Daily Mail

The report added how the mother mentioned that there were so many other deserving recipients but the fact that the Prince who hails from the UK is being given this honor was mind-boggling and so baffling for her.


‘I am shocked as to why they thought he was the right one. Why was there no justification provided to me on this front? I am the mother, I do deserve to know more details’- she revealed.

Source: Getty Images

Prince Harry has been slammed by other critics for the same reason. Many hold the same school of thought that other deserving candidates don’t have what Harry does. This includes money, connections, or any resources.