As much as many of us would like, you can never choose your family.
This next incident involves a mother-in-law who showed up unannounced looking for a place to stay. Therefore, she wished to crash at her son’s home, without any prior notice.
As expected, this did not sit well with her pregnant daughter-in-law who had a lot of reservations about the whole matter from the start.
This is why the frustrated new mother is speaking up on Reddit, asking the world how this all can be okay as she was ready to give birth soon and now this.
The mother-in-law had the entire week off for vacation so she decided to crash and stay at her son’s home, just so she could spend time with the grandchildren and welcome the new one.point 403 |
Now the problem is that she was not invited for the couple’s new baby delivery, but knew exactly the timing of when the c-section would happen, so somehow made it happen.point 146 | 1
Her son explained how his wife wouldn’t want her to be at the hospital as she didn’t want added stress. But when the day arrived, she showed up and that made not only her son upset but her daughter-in-law who refuses to speak to her husband, let alone the mother-in-law. Who do you think is in the wrong here?