For some people, pets mean the world and this next story is the perfect example of just that.
A woman is taking the world of social media by storm after unveiling how she is all set to give up her partner after he opted to give away her beloved cat to an animal shelter.
The woman stated how her man failed to even provide her with a heads-up about the drastic scenario related to what he was about to do. And now, she’s taking revenge of a whole new kind by filing for divorce.
The woman took to her account on social media to go into detail about her dilemma and now, it’s going viral on social media. People are just having a really hard time at this moment in accepting reality because after all, divorces are a serious step.
The cat was stated to be very attached to the owner but that was not the case with her husband who found pets annoying and hard to deal with.
Similarly, it was not an easy expense to fulfill as pet food and visits to the clinic did not come cheap either. Whatever the case may be, people were at a standstill and wanted answers before it was too late.
All in all, the overall consensus was that things should have been resolved through a verbal dialogue but since that did not happen, it was tragic to accept any of this.
“How about talking to him about this? You can’t give up on your marriage for a pet”- added another person.
The overall feeling was that the issue was not something major but for a woman who calls her pet her world, only a true cat lover could relate, she adds.
“I love her more than anything, including my own husband!”- she further concluded.