Categories: Daily top 10news

JUST IN: Joe Biden’s Presidential Approval Numbers Reach An All-Time Low

It’s another day and that means another poll has come your way regarding President Joe Biden.


A recent poll evaluated the country’s commander in chief’s approval ratings and it’s safe to say that they’re falling in a backward direction. Yes, the slip is greater than before and it’s leaving plenty of questions in so many critics’ minds.


Sources revealed how experts and analysts are now thinking about one thing. At what point would it be reasonable to ask if the Biden Administration was really capable of saving the country.


Many also questioned the current administration’s policy, adding how they were unsalvagable because they were coming from so many that they felt were incompetent to lead a country like the US.

Source: AP

Clearly, most of the President’s policies are not working for the masses and include his own voters as well. 


Surveys suggested how there was currently a trend among buyers and the remorse they share. These people were mostly young females who were independent, and other stats proved the same for minority voters as well. 

Source: Getty Images

John Anzalone who is Biden’s biggest pollster recently mentioned how the current administration was the worst political environment that anyone could imagine. 


Democrats are busy doubling down on their left-wing policy agenda and that includes rooting for the country’s energy independence not to mention their ways to tackle the increasing inflation rates. 


Even if there are some who may like what the left party is doing, the results of the polls clearly don’t show that by miles. 


While surveys from the recent past showed that most presidents were able to rebound from their low figures, Biden does not seem to be moving in that direction. 

What are your thoughts on Biden’s figures declining? Let us know and be sure to SHARE the story with others too.