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‘Biden Was Deathly Pale’- Reporter Travelling With President Biden On Air Force Describes ‘Mad Rush’ To Get Joe To Covid Isolation

One reporter who happened to be traveling with President Biden aboard Air Force One is now shedding light on how scary of an experience that turned out to be for her.


She explained how she had fastened her seatbelt tight but was not aware that the pilots were going to take all passengers and crew members for a ride.

Source: Shutterstock

The team was dressed in their crisp blue uniforms and they were seen stumbling in the aisles as the plane’s nose pointed in an upward direction.


She also noticed how the tray tables began to shake more often than usual as the jet was certainly climbing fast. For a moment, she felt so sick because the speed was a lot to handle.

Source: Daily Mail

Later, she found out that they were not informed about what was going on. Even though the behavior was peculiar, they were not told about how the Head of State had contracted COVID-19 and now it was time to take him quickly home so he could enter his period of isolation.


Since they had no wi-fi due to security purposes, they were not aware of the news arriving in the outside world and how Biden had tested positive.


When asked about how Biden was doing, the press secretary on board refused to respond, despite so many asking twice.


They noticed that something was not right and how Biden seemed so pale. But it was only after they landed that they realized what all the commotion was all about.