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JUST IN: Delta Airlines BLASTED For LOSING Passenger’s Pet Dog & Providing $1800 In Return

Delta Airlines is under fire after reportedly losing a passenger’s pet dog and providing a mere compensation worth $1800 in return.


The news has left critics in fury while the passenger claims the dog was a part of the family. They are just so heartbroken and feel it’s high time the airline took some responsibility over the matter or they’re going to file a lawsuit.

Source: Instagram

Paula Rodriguez says she is sick and tired of the actions of airlines who claim no responsibility and sense of ownership for losing pets.


What they don’t realize is that these are not just animals but family members. You cannot lose them and offer a miser sum as a form of compensation for your poor actions and standards, the angry passenger went on to the rant.

Source: Instagram

Reports from local media outlets claim the incident arose when the pet was detained due to not having the right or appropriate visa requirements.


She says that since the pet was detained, Delta was the one taking care of it and they vowed that as soon as the matter was resolved, they’d be sending him back on the earliest flight.

Source: Instagram

The pet was lost at the Jackson Atlanta Airport and it’s just so tragic because Paula says she made special arrangements with airlines to have her pet travel with her.


But rules and rules and she didn’t argue. However, what she got in return was no pet and no justification for what went wrong.

Source: Shutterstock

She was reportedly told that the tourist visa didn’t meet the requirements. And she accepted it but now that her pet is gone, she’s having a lot of trouble forgiving the famous airline for zero sense of responsibility and thinking it was a joke to lose a customer’s most prized possession.