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“My Friend DEMANDS I Allow Her To Bring Her Dog To My Wedding Because He’s Family To Her! How Can She Be So Inconsiderate?”

Throwing a wedding is never easy and that is especially true when you’re dealing with guests who fail to understand that there are only so many people you can invite on your big day.



This next story revolves around that very theme and it has people talking because one woman can’t seem to understand that no pets allowed means please leave your dog at home. 

Source: Pixabay

One bride is taking her rants to the social media platform Reddit to shed light on how unreasonable some individuals can be in terms of adding stress to someone’s wedding. The bride-to-be shed light on how her friend demands that she be allowed to bring her dog because he’s family. 


That whole situation has left the bride in a difficult position, not to mention how appalled she is at the demands being made. Moreover, she feels the time has come to speak up because her friend fails to understand that she cannot allow her to add pets as guests to her wedding list. 

Source: Pixabay

Now, her friend is threatening to abort her wedding because she cannot leave her dog at home, and that has made the future bride more than upset. 


Putting her struggles at the forefront, the woman mentioned how she is beyond shocked at how people find it all right to do and say things without giving it a second thought. She also mentioned how she’s going crazy planning the big day and to worry about matters like these has really put her in an awkward and tough situation. 

Source: Pixabay

“I told her no, there was just no way that I was going to allow this to occur. How can anyone feel this matter is alright? Pets should not be attending weddings, I have one million things to worry about and this can’t be one of them!”- she concluded. 

Source: Pixabay

But as expected, the matter did not go down right with her pal who said that her feelings and sentiments were being hurt and that she was willing to take full responsibility in terms of handling and caring for the pet. What do you think?