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BREAKING: Suspicious Car With Blood On The Front Discovered By Cops Hunting For Young Missing Girl

Terrifying reports are going on to speak about how the cops have found a gruesome finding inside a suspicious vehicle while searching for a missing young girl named Emily.


Shocking results showed the presence of blood inside the car and that has made the family super worried as to what is going on.

Source: Twitter

The case in question is related to the sudden and mysterious disappearance of a two-year-old boy who suddenly disappeared from his residence in Australia, causing concern among his parents.


They did not waste any time in reporting the case to the cops who immediately issued an emergency alert to have him retrieved. But so far, the search did not prove any major findings until yesterday. This is when the cops happened to stumble upon a vehicle that had blood inside.

Source: Shutterstock

Detectives spoke about how the parents of the child were horrified to hear this news of blood being found inside the vehicle at the Alpine helmet.


This is where they had been searching for him for days. But little did anyone know that a mysterious and bizarre car of this sort would be found near the search site, sparking huge concern for the detectives and loved ones.

Source: Getty Images

Today reportedly marks day four of his sudden disappearance and sources have mentioned that the traces of blood were sent to a nearby lab’s forensic department for analysis.


They are trying to see if there is any link to the missing child who vanished four days back, sources have confirmed.

Source: Daily Mail

The cops are remaining hushed on the matter for now. They claim that nothing can be said because they don’t even know if the blood traces belong to a human or not. Hence, they’re going to wait for the results and will inform the press accordingly.