An 11-year-old boy was kicked out of his own classroom after he decided to show up in one of his extreme haircuts.
Jaylen Mason was told by his teachers that he would not be allowed to interact with others on the campus and would remain in isolation. And when he went home and explained the incident to his parents, they were mortified at the school’s behavior.
Sources revealed that he was stated to have been extremely excited to begin his first day at school. But his hair seemed to be the issue as it was reportedly violently a rule set out by the school.
According to them, the uniform’s policy says no extreme forms of haircuts are allowed, and his hair was just not fitting the plot. But his mother states that it’s impossible that his hair was the reason why he was kicked out of class, as there was nothing wrong.
She called the act an extreme form of racism and bullying and vowed to take action against those responsible.
“This is my baby. Do you see anything wrong with his hair? I don’t see it. It’s just not fair,”- the furious mom revealed.
Meanwhile, so many other parents have also come forward and shed light on the matter. They feel that there was nothing wrong or strange, or outrageous at all about the child’s hair. In fact, they felt that the school was making an issue out of absolutely nothing.
Therefore, they’ve bashed them and told them to get their facts straight by searching for ‘afro’ hair because this hairstyle is the only way to tame the tresses and make them look neat.
What are your thoughts on the schools’ reaction to the young child’s haircut? Do you also feel the haircut was outrageous, or do you think they are overreacting? Let us know, and be sure to SHARE the story with others too.