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EXCLUSIVE: Little Girl’s Hand Gets STUCK Inside Claw Machine While STEALING A Toy

A little girl clearly learned her lesson the hard way after trying to steal a toy from a vending machine.


Sources from local media outlets were seen sending details about the incident where the child’s hand was stuck inside the claw machine while she was on a holiday with her parents.

Source: Supplied

The toddler reportedly followed in the footsteps of her older sister who advised her to do the same but little did she know that she’d end up having to pay a massive price for the ordeal.


The hilarious footage showed little Poppy Pearson who is just four in age, having her hand stuck inside the machine. She begins to sob after her sister named Savannah tried to motivate her to steal a teddy bear at the Airlie Beach fun fair that was located in Queensland.

Source: Supplied

Even though it looked like a serious situation at first, the children’s parents can be seen having trouble controlling their laughter.


Both Melanie Pike and her husband Brett Pearson mentioned to Daily Mail Australia that it was just a lot of fun to watch the girls learn their lesson as it’s a reminder to them to never steal again.

Source: Supplied

The parents called the incident one entailing adorable antics and they didn’t appear too concerned about the child at all.


When the mother was asked why she didn’t appear to be too concerned about her child, she revealed how her husband happens to be a carpenter by profession and hence she knew that in the end, he’d come to the rescue and get her out. And that’s exactly what happened in the end.

Source: Supplied

“My husband is the true hero here. I was just laughing and filming this whole incident”- the mom went on to mention.