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EXCLUSIVE: Nicole Kidman CONFIRMS In Heartbreaking Post How She’s ‘Struggling With Her Personal Life’

Oscar-winning superstar Nicole Kidman is shedding light on how she’s struggled so much in her personal life and whether she likes it or not, that’s her reality.


The leading A-List celeb opened up like never before seen on how she’s had a tough journey and nothing hurts more than to go to bed alone.

Source: People

The celeb’s career is said to have hit high peaks but at the same time, that came with some low lows. One of the worst moments has to do with her personal life.


The 56-year-old got her first Oscar in 2003 and that was after being nominated for Moulin Rouge. And while she may have been seen smiling along the way, the reality is far from that. This celeb put up a bright smile just to fool people and not let her inner sad emotions come out. “It was all a lie”- the celeb went on to mention. And this was in regards to her high-profile divorce from actor Tom Cruise.

Source: People

The celeb explained how she has had a lot of trouble in this regard. Keeping tabs on her emotions during her career’s biggest highs and lowest lows was never easy.


She spoke about how she won the award on stage but then went back to her hotel room to cry and eat burgers on the floor. “It was just not worth it. I was in so much pain”- the star opened up in her candid interview.

Source: Daily Mail

When she was handed the award, she tried hard to compose herself while giving her acceptance speech but even then she struggled so much.


She says that it was hard to pull it off and many thought the tears were related to the award but it was so much more than that. When actor Russel Crowe saw her break down slightly, he asked her not to cry and the star felt it was her time to go home. She couldn’t stay longer and put up a brave face.

Source: Instagram

“After crying in my hotel room, I realized I could no longer do this. The thoughts that came after chowing down fries and burgers was that I needed to find more love in my life because I could no longer continue living like this!”- the star mentioned.