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Couple Hailed As World’s First Family To Welcome ‘Black & White Twins’ For The SECOND Time

If you believe in miracles then this next story about a beautiful couple welcoming two sets of biracial twins is sure to be up your alley.



A couple from the United Kingdom has been hailed for being the first in the world to have both black and white sets of twins. And in case you didn’t know, the probability of achieving just that is very minimal. Hence, it’s safe to call this an absolute miracle. 

Source: Solent News

Dean Durrant and her partner Alison Spooner are super proud parents after they welcomed the twins back in the year 2001. And ever since then, they’ve been called for numerous interviews as people can’t help but get an up-close and personal glance at what they appear like in person.


It all began after their miracle delivery where daughter Lauren was white and Hayleigh was black. And doctors explained how the chances of that happening were 1:500,000.

Source: The Sun

In 2009, luck was certainly on the couple’s side again as they were blessed with another chance at the miracle during another delivery of their twins. Here is where baby Miya was black while Leah was white. 

Source: NBC News

Today, all the girls are as beautiful as can be, each with their own discerning features. And the parents believe they are more than lucky and blessed to have them as a part of their lives. 


“People find it so hard to believe when they lay their eyes upon them. It’s like a wow factor and surprise reaction that they tend to get and I love it”- she went on to mention. 

Source: News NPR

But on other occasions, people can be awfully rude too. They think the couple is lying about how the girls are twins. Some even go as far as demanding proof and that really makes them wonder why others can be happy for the family instead of passing judgments. 


“We are still amazed they’re twins and we love how we’ve gotten blessed by the miracle twice”- they concluded.