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“You Don’t Deserve To Be A Mother!”- Paris Hilton Faces Backlash After Admitting She ‘Didn’t Change Her Son’s Diaper’ For One Month

Paris Hilton is making headlines after admitting in public that she did not change her son Phoenix’s diaper until one month after he was born.


The news is alarming to some people who felt that was beyond shocking and bizarre for any mother of a newborn to mention. And that is an eye-opener to some as to why she may have opted for a surrogate instead of carrying her child.

Source: Page Six

The star has already been slammed for welcoming baby number two discreetly, less than one year since she had her firstborn son. But then seeing her daughter arrive without even her family knowing is in itself a huge deal, sources added.


Now, Paris is getting into the details of what it’s like to be a mother and how tough things can get for someone like her who never adored doing the things that most moms are forced to do.

Source: Page Six

Changing diapers is not something she claims that she would or is ever going to be ready for. But thanks to her older sister Nicky who came to the rescue, Paris admits things have gotten so much easier because she knows she can rely on her, anytime she wants.


“I did not even know if it was on the right way or which side faces the front and which the back. I was scared it was too loose or was going to be too tight”- the star added.

Source: Page Six

Paris also addressed the huge concern that many had with her not carrying her child. The star explained how devastated she was knowing that this was just not right for her. A major reason was linked to the trauma that arose during her teenage years. That added a sense of anxiety to her and panic attacks were too frequent of an endeavor for her too.

Source: Page Six

So to make her child go through that is not something she felt was right so surrogacy was the only way out, she continued.