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Matthew McConaughey Reveals His Dad DIED Making Love to His Mom… Who Then Refused to Cover his Huge Manhood

Losing a parent is one of the most devastating experiences that anybody in this world can ever go through.


But for actor Matthew McConaughey, the day his dad died is unforgettable for several reasons. One of them is shocking, to say the least.

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Some are calling it odd humor and that’s because the star opened up about his parents’ wild relationship which he called ‘like the Pacific Ocean in a storm’.


The star says in his memoir that their bond was so unique that it included two divorces and remarrying one another three times.

Source: vt

Despite all the drama, the star insists that the love always wins in the end and the passion can never be the same again.


Passion is just how James McConaughey predicted his end would come.

Source: vt

The star recalled the terrifying day that he got the dreaded phone call. His dad had passed away and he was in shock. But he then shed light on how devastating the whole ordeal became in the end.


But one part was funny where he found out that his mother refused to cover her dad’s manhood. He got the details about that later on and found it ridiculously funny. It was almost as if it was too funny to be true.