Categories: Daily top 10lifenews

Woman Stuck With $3100 Dinner Bill After Blind Date REFUSED To Pay For 23 Family Members She Brought Along

It’s no surprise that blind dates are not everyone’s cup of tea, not to mention how awkward they can turn out to be.


This next story is about something that has the world talking, especially in terms of what went down that evening.

Source: Pixabay

Blind dates can be expensive, which is especially true when you’re on the paying end. But what happens when your date assumes it’s alright to bring their entire family along, and we’re talking a staggering 23 members?

Source: Pixabay

One woman is speaking about learning the lesson the hard way after she invited all 23 family members to her blind date. According to her, it was a test of the potential partner’s generosity.


But clearly, things ended up backfiring as she was the one who had to pay the bill in the end.

Source: Pixabay

The incident arose in the Chinese city of Zhejiang where the woman reportedly attained the shock of her life with her very own elaborate test. Moreover, the man she was with couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

Source: Pixabay

And the fact that she needed him to pay infuriated him further. But there is not much she could do. When he got up and left, the bill was in front of her and the joke was on her, quite literally.