While the results for the US midterms are yet to be in, we can certainly say that things didn’t quite go in favor of Donald Trump.
The country’s former commander-in-chief failed to receive acknowledgment and appreciation from his fellow party members. And just in case that was not dramatic enough, there are more talks of people switching sides and voting for DeSantis instead of Trump.
Yes we know it’s not easy to jump to conclusions but we do feel that as more and more votes get counted, one thing is for sure. Trump is the biggest loser of the US midterms.
The wonderful Republican party has put out some of the best statesmen and women. And now, after seeing all of this, we can say it’s one step closer to both salvation and rehabilitation. Many are finally coming out of Trump’s gravitational pull.
Right now, the best feeling of relief is not just restricted to Democrats in the US.
There is still a lot of resistance being felt and the world sees that the US is that shimmery country where people still support Trump day in and day out.But news recently broke about Biden taking part in the upcoming elections and that just makes one wonder what a race it’s going to be.
That means if Donald Trump does end up declaring the intention to run for a leading position in the next few days, he would most likely lose.
So why not just pull out from the start? Well, the answer could be linked to how he loves that kingmaker position and managed to raise more money to pay legal expenses.
As selfish as that may sound, he is that sort.Trump really was in search of the ‘red wave’ that he never got during the midterms and it makes sense why he was livid and screaming at anyone and everyone that came his way yesterday.