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BREAKING: Dolly Parton Stuns Fans By Saying She Would Rather ‘DIE On Stage’ Than Retire

Singer Dolly Parton has left her fans and followers in a state of absolute shock after making some bizarre claims about her life.


The renowned celeb was questioned about her plans regarding retirement and people were just so baffled at what she had to say. This includes how she would rather drop down dead on stage than retire.

Source: Getty Images

The news comes as many fans expressed concern about her health and felt the star should spend more time resting than performing as the latter might not be in her best interest. But if you think she has got any plans of retirement coming soon, you’re sadly mistaken.


But the way the star was giving out replies on the matter had some questioning why she was being so awfully blunt. Was this something that was necessary to mention, not a lot of her fans felt so.

Source: Daily Mail

The famous 9 to 5 singer added how life is only as great as you imagine it to be and throughout the years, she’s always been a fan of projecting herself in the best light imaginable.


“I want to drop down dead here, on this stage. Please don’t ever expect or tell me to retire and then die. It’s not happening”- the leading singer explained.

Source: Daily Mail

The news came as the star was seen making a rare appearance on a leading radio talk show. Her fans were astonished by her guts to say so much.


But Parton has always been upfront with her fans and followers. And that’s one quality they adore about her for obvious reasons.

Source: Shutterstock

The celeb did add how her health and her husband’s health and happiness were always her top priorities, no matter what.


She added that the only thing that would ever slow any person down was this and she had no plans of doing just that while praying for her own health along the way.