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EXCLUSIVE: Woman Who Was REFUSED Entry For Being ‘Too Fat’ Embarks On New Career As A ‘Plus-Size’ Model

A woman who was denied entry into New Zealand for being too overweight is now embarking on a new career as a plus-size model.


The mother who hails from South Africa was informed by officials in New Zealand that she had only one chance that would enable her to be allowed inside the nation. And that was losing weight.

Source: Facebook

“Lose weight or be kicked out”- this was what the woman said was the response of the authorities. And now, she’s waving back at her haters who body-shamed her.


Mondelea Bezuidenhout was given the chance to stay after dropping her body mass index by 10 points. Today, she doesn’t even look back at those that shamed her because she is in a career league of her own.

Source: Facebook

The mom is now opening up about her journey that she feels has taught her so much in this world. And she hopes to inspire so many others in the same way as her because there is no room for people that try to bring you down, she adds.


“I was granted an exemption of one year and I really wished to make a difference. But who knew that I would be embarking on a career path that would make me stay the same size and allow me to pursue my goals”- she adds.

Source: IOL

Now, she is hoping to launch her new career option with a bang but still is working on her weight loss journey along the way because she knows how important it is to be healthy in today’s day and age.


This woman made headlines around the globe after it was revealed that her application for permanent residency would certainly be rejected. The reason cited was her high body mass index which posed to be a major health risk for many.

Source: Facebook

The native who hails from South Africa mentioned that officers told her to lose up to 30 kilograms or face the terror of being deported from the nation.