Categories: Daily top 10news

Architecture Firm Gears Up To Create ‘World’s Tallest Building’ That Hangs Upside Down From Asteroid Soaring Through Space

You may have come across plenty of ambitious ventures in the world of architecture and design but this next piece of news is simply mind-blowing.


One architecture firm has reportedly come up with the most ambitious thing that has ever been built in the universe, adding how the project is all set to make plenty of hearts beat faster than usual.

Experts claim that the giant venture will comprise the world’s tallest building but with a twist. After all, we already have the Burj Khalifa that appears to be doing just fine in that department.

Source: Daily Star

This new building’s design will comprise of a giant tower that not only floats around the earth but also carries the capability of hanging in an upside-down manner while being attached to a giant asteroid that soars through space.


Yes, we kid you not on this one because the mega-firm in charge of this venture is promising just that and more.

Now, engineers claim that steller towers made from glass will not only have the biggest proportion in terms of scale and size, but they will also be able to add a new touch to the traditional aspect of buildings seen around the globe.

Source: Forbes

In case you’re wondering what it’s called, well, there’s a very unique name that goes by the name of “Analemma Tower”.


And while many others may be doubting the design from day one, the architects at Clouds AO really want to get a nice head start on what many deem to be a true innovation in construction and engineering.

Source: 6sqft

To put it simply, this will be an upside-down skyscraper building that is suspected from the asteroid which is 31,000 miles above the earth’s surface. Do you get it now?


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