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SEVERE Turbulence Aboard Qatar Airways Flight LEAVES 12 People INJURED As Emergency Declared

Terrifying reports have confirmed how emergency crews were seen rushing to a nearby Dublin Airport after passengers aboard a flight of Qatar Airways from Doha landed.


According to reports from local media outlets, a total of 12 people were injured due to extreme forms of turbulence experienced aboard the journey, leading to chaos and fear.

Source: Daily Mail

Eight passengers were rushed to a nearby hospital while others were declared to have minor injuries that were attended by emergency services stationed there.


The news comes just a few days after we heard about a horrifying incident of turbulence affecting a flight of Singapore Airlines which left one person dead and dozens injured.

Source: Flight Radar

Reports from authorities stationed in Dublin mentioned how six members of the crew and six passengers were injured during the incident aboard the flight which happened to be flying over Turkey at that very same point in time.


Thankfully, the plane managed to land safely as scheduled before 10 pm on Sunday. Meanwhile, emergency services such as ambulances were present on the ground around the aircraft after it landed in the Irish capital.

Source: Daily Mail

Passengers were said to have witnessed food flying around them while panic rippled throughout the cabin. But throughout the incident, all air stewards on board put up a brave face and continued to keep calm and help those who needed assistance.