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Nine-Hour British Airways ‘Flight To Nowhere’ Travels From London To London

Imagine traveling on a flight that leads to nowhere and we’re not joking with this one.


Passengers aboard a British Airways flight took off from London’s Heathrow International Airport and ended up arriving right back at their destination, after a startling nine-hour long journey.

Source: The Independent

The bizarre flight was scheduled to arrive in Texas but ended up turning back as soon as it reached North America. This resulted in passengers enduring the nine-hour-long flight to literally nowhere.


Flight records from the Boeing flight revealed how it was on its way to the George Bush International Airport in Houston when all of a sudden, it ended up crossing the Canadian border before opting to backtrack.

Source: Simple Wikipedia

But the question on many people’s minds is why the flight was turned around so late. Well as per reports, the pilots felt the minor technical issue was a major risk and therefore they couldn’t risk landing in Texas.


As crazy as that sounds, passengers were given an apology on behalf of the plane’s pilot who mentioned how he was returning back.

Source: British Airways Media Center

Furious passengers demanded an explanation as the logic was not making sense to them. Why would a flight scheduled for London fly nine hours, only to return back to its origin? Clearly, British Airways has plenty of explaining to do on this front. Do you agree?