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‘Have Some Respect!’- Royal Fans STUNNED At ‘Foul Mouthed’ Prince Harry’s Appearance On The Jimmy Fallon Show

Prince Harry is leaving royal fans stunned after a shocking footage from a live interview with Jimmy Fallon left many stunned.


The prince certainly got a fright fit when he was exposed to a spooky setting that was designed to entertain Harry but also bring out his wild side.

Source: New York Post

The Duke of Sussex certainly caused a major storm and started to scream in sheer fear when he ventured into Fallon’s haunted maze in the Big Apple.


He joined the talk show host on Thursday’s episode of NBC ‘The Tonight’s Show’ where he can be seen exploring the new spooky attraction at the Rockefeller Center.

Source: New York Post

Fallon asked the Prince if he got scared easily but Harry denied the claims and laughed it off. But we feel he may have spoken too soon.


At the start, Harry says that not a lot of things creep him out but while walking through the maze, he was not too happy to see all the surprises in store for him.

Source: New York Post

The duo explored the haunted attraction that is a popular part of the show called Jimmy Fallon’s Tonightmares.


In pitch-black darkness, the duo were seen walking with cameras attached to their chest. In just a few minutes, the maze opened in no time. And that’s when a sinister zombie-like character greeted them both and prompted them to begin.

Source: New York Post

In no time, Harry started to curse and in seconds, the spooky adventure took a turn for the worse. Harry’s real side came out and it was not a lot of pleasant words by all means.