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BREAKING: “Move On, She’s Gone!”- Fans Bash Drake After Star Accused Of Having ‘Unhealthy Obsession’ With Former Girlfriend Rihanna

Fans were seen bashing rapper Drake after the celeb was accused of having an unhealthy obsession with his former lover Rihanna.


People just had a really hard time accepting the fact that he out of all the people in the world still loved and adored Rihanna. “There is a time and a place for everything, she’s gone far out of your sight and you should understand that”- one fan explained and many agreed.



Singing and romanticizing about her is just not something that people felt was correct. Therefore, they bashed the celeb for including her into her lyrics.

For those who might not be aware, the pair are said to have an on and off romance that is said to have lasted for years, before it ended in the year 2016.



But despite the star claiming he’s moved on, he just never had the same type of luck in love that others may have had.

Some feel he needs a lot more lessons on how to handle things because this sort of behavior is just going to cause him more harm.



There were throwbacks of the star and his dark/curly hair that continued to be braided in straight cornrows as he fiddled through black props.

“I am hurt at what he’s done to himself. Why does he act so desperate in front of Rihanna and differnet around others”- one fan questioned and so many more couldn’t help but agree.



“Seems like none of the women on his level want him. And why is that? Is he that bad?”- another added. Others fear the star is obsessed with Rihanna on a whole new level.

“He really did think Rihanna was going to be with him after finding out he was hiding a child but still pursuing her”- another reminded the star.