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This Simple Riddle Is Stumping The Internet! Can You Figure Out The Right Answer?

What better way to get rid of the Monday blues than with a little help from us?


We’re all set for a challenging week ahead and to give you the perfect brain boost, here’s a riddle that’s sure to be worth your while.

Source: Freepik

Gone are the days when math was considered to be so boring. Now, it’s all about making the most of numbers in a fun and logical way. Not only does this test your math but some other skills as well.


Number riddles, believe it or not, are some of the most loved riddles around the globe. And the reason why is simple. They’re just a fun touch to the norm.

Source: Good Fruit Grower

In this riddle, we’re asking you to read carefully between the lines and figure out what the possible solution can be.


Remember, a little hard work goes a long way so what are you waiting for?

Source: Bored Panda

As per the puzzle, you need to crack the logic regarding an apple scenario. We have 20 hungry children who are ready for snack time. They must all get an apple but at the same time, one apple must remain inside the basket at all times. So how is that even possible? Think carefully.



The right answer is giving each child one apple and the last child will get his apple inside the basket. Wow, it was not so difficult after all, right? Let us know how you did in the comments section and be sure to SHARE the story with others too.