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BREAKING: Jada Pinkett Smith Unveils Reason Why She Will NEVER Leave Will Smith Despite Living SEPARATELY

Jada Pinkett Smith wants the world to know that despite all that has happened in her relationship with actor Will Smith, she will never leave his side.


The shocking statements coming from the celebrated television host and actress left a lot of people baffled in terms of what she wanted to say and why she kept on bringing the past up.

Source: Vanity Fair

The celeb added how the Oscars slap ended up saving her marriage, which is ironic as most people would assume it was the other way around, putting the couple’s relationship in danger.


But Mrs. Smith says she plans on staying put and how things between the pair are doing just fine.

Source: Daily Mail

She also mentioned how the duo live in separate homes and they’ve been like that for the past seven years but chose to keep it a secret. But Jada says it’s fine that the world knows and she’s alright with that because it works for them.


When asked if the duo were heading toward a divorce, she denied all of the rumors and revealed the real reason why she did not wish to get one.

Source: Daily Mail

It’s quite interesting how all the news reports and statements coming from Jada arise at a time when her husband was pictured with another mystery woman after attending Art Basel in Miami. And Jada was nowhere to be seen.


As far as the real reason is concerned as to why she wishes to be by her husband’s side forever, the starlet claims that the ‘holy’ Oscars slap is a stark reminder of why she loves him so much and the extent he would go towards to defend her name.

Source: Daily Mail

“For all of these years, I tried hard to find one good enough reason to stay. And now, I cannot find any reason to leave him. I’m staying put”- she concluded.