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Jodie Foster Sparks Fury After Branding Gen Z As ‘Lazy’ And ‘Really Annoying’

Jodie Foster has divided opinions after slamming Generation Z and branding them as “annoying” and work-shy.


The 61-year-old actress and Oscar winner unleashed a tirade against young people born between 1997 and 2012 as she suggested they’re lazy and uncreative.

“They’re really annoying, especially in the workplace. They’re like, ‘Nah, I’m not feeling it today, I’m gonna come in at 10:30 am,’” Foster said in an interview with The Guardian.

©Matt Winkelmeyer – Getty Images

“Or in emails, I’ll tell them, ‘This is all grammatically incorrect, did you not check your spelling?’ And they’re like, ‘Why would I do that, isn’t that kind of limiting?’”


And while Foster definitely didn’t hold back in slamming the younger generation, she happily shared a piece of advice to those willing to improve themselves.

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“They need to learn how to relax, how to not think about it so much, how to come up with something that’s theirs,” she added.


“I can help them find that, which is so much more fun than being, with all the pressure behind it, the protagonist of the story.”

©Matt Baron – REX – Shutterstock

Elsewhere in her interview, the actress opened up about her sons’ upbringing as she revealed they’re super feminist and not very interested in the typical male stuff.


“My two don’t like sports. They like to watch movies and sit at home, and they’re really into their female friends. They’re super feminist. And there was a moment with my older one when he was in high school, when, because he was raised by two women – three women – it was like he was trying to figure out what it was to be a boy,” she added.


“And he watched television and came to the conclusion, oh, I just need to be an a**hole. I understand! I need to be shi**y to women, and act like I’m a fu**er. And I was like, ‘no! That’s not what it is to be a man! That’s what our culture has been selling you for all this time.’”


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