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Fans Go Wild As Bridget Jones 4 Officially Confirmed With Renée Zellweger Returning With Hugh Grant

It’s the news that news fans have been wanting to hear for so long and now we’re learning about the return of Bridget Jones’s Diary.


Actors Renee Zellweger would be returning with actor Hugh Grant to play the iconic roles that they’ve been known for years.

Source: Shutterstock

The movie will have the pair reprising their famous roles and this new installment is said to be very different from what most of us may be accustomed to, an insider explained. The film is based on the famous book and is said to feature the title, ‘Bridget Jones: Mad About The Boy’ featuring the actress.

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She returns as the witty singleton with Grant by her side who is known as the ever so charming and affectionate Daniel Cleaver.

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As mentioned by The Daily Mail recently, the movie will start filming in May which is just next month and fans cannot wait for the release already.

Source: Daily Mail

While not a lot has been disclosed so far regarding the cast, the producers do claim that fans are in for a treat as it features some more familiar faces from the original franchise as well as some talented and new individuals.