A new and shocking report is shedding light on the death of a young teenager who passed away under the most tragic circumstances imaginable.
As per reports from local media outlets, the teenager died on the 4th of July celebrations weekend when he jumped inside an electrified lake.

The individual was identified as Jesse Hamrie who was only 18 years old. He entered the Smith Mountain Lake, located near Roanoke in Virginia during the early hours of Thursday.
This led to his friends providing a quick response as to something going wrong.

While his other friends had also jumped in and are believed to have received shocks, only he died from the devastating impact of this ordeal.
Despite undergoing major injuries, they put on a brave face and opted to assist their friend but it was in vain. He was already unresponsive.
One tried to perform CPR on him while another was busy calling for help, source have gone on to mention.
But by the time the emergency crew services arrived, they declared him death. Investigations regarding the harrowing tragedy have begun as many try to get answers on the most heartbreaking moment of them all.