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“Her Compassion Is The Same As My Late Mother Diana”- Prince Harry Seen Comparing Meghan To Princess Diana

Prince Harry was recently seen comparing his wife Meghan Markle to his late mother Princess Diana.


The Duke of Sussex mentioned how his mother’s compassion and warmth were unlike any other but his wife Meghan shared these same characteristics and he found it amazing.

Source: Daily Mail

This is definitely not the first time that we’ve witnessed the Prince speak in detail about his wife and his mother at the same time. In the past, he was seen comparing both the women whom he called the most influential and important personalities in his life.


The news comes as the prince highlighted the significance of Meghan Markle during the first episode of his docuseries which was released today. And it’s safe to say it’s causing plenty of controversies around the globe.

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Source: Daily Mail

The trailer really had people speaking about what the couple intended to prove with such an offering from the leading video streaming platform Netflix.point 440 |


Moreover, some reporters had just called out Harry for choosing money over his family by saying yes to a production.point 97 | And while he may be denying it, people are definitely skeptical of his intentions.point 166 | 1

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Source: Daily Mail

Just yesterday, Harry mentioned how he did not wish to have history repeat itself with Meghan.point 361 |


During the docuseries, he mentioned that losing his mother has got to be his life’s biggest turning point and he couldn’t afford to see that happen again to his partner.point 152 | This was a part of Harry’s justification as to why he was really trying to offer more protection to Meghan and that’s why he did choose to step down from his royal titles too.point 306 | 1

Source: La Nacion

“So much of what Meghan is and how she is so similar to how my mother was!”- the prince began to explain. This was during the first episode of his highly anticipated docuseries.