Some exam questions are not as easy as they appear and one such question is the subject of debate for netizens around the globe.
A fifth grader recently shared his exam question and the world was stunned at the answer that was not so easy, after all.
The news broke when a young boy shared with the world what his brother was asked in his recently held math exam. And although he does love math and considers himself to be great at it, this one really changed his perspective.
This question appeared as a major part of his brother’s exam. And he wants to know whether or not people were just as stumped as him.
Since he couldn’t do it, he opted for the world to assist him by solving this.
It unfortunately was not so easy after all. After being posted on the Reddit platform, people soon knew that this was just bizarre.
Nobody could solve it and those that made attempts didn’t do so great as well. But what does this mean, was it really that hard?
Now look, all that the author is trying to ask is how many book pages are there in total.
Yes, it’s so easy yet so hard. You need to be careful here as the easier ones are just as trickier as the older ones. Viewers on social media were just so baffled as to how to even go about solving this exam. And knowing that this was asked of the class that belongs in grade 5, many scratched their heads further.
So are you ready for the answer, well, it’s SIX! As far as reasoning is concerned, well assuming Klein started to read the book on Monday, you simply divide the 30 pages by five. And the final answer is SIX!