Categories: Daily top 10Entertainment

Black Alien Considers ‘Leg Amputation’ After Getting Ears, Lips, And Fingers SLICED Off

A man dubbed black alien is turning heads after confirming his next extreme move.


Think along the lines of getting his leg amputated, despite already having several other parts of his body sliced off.

Source: Instagram

The news has raised concern around the globe and people cannot help but imagine the excruciating pain and money being spent on such acts.

Source: Instagram

But if you think that’s going to stop him then think again. This man is on a role and he says that the main goal right now is to get things moving in the right direction as far as his end goal is concerned.

Source: Instagram

“I have loved the way aliens look. They are so distinct and far from what we see in the human race”- he added.


But fans of the star stated that this is a whole new extreme as getting your leg amputated means ridding a limb used to move around. And that’s why they’re issuing a warning against the act, with some going as far as to delineate how he would 100% regret this.

Source: Instagram

The man has dreamt about getting rid of his skin as a whole for years. And this just happens to be an added endeavor in that. But let’s see whether or not his dream comes true or not. What do you think?