They say the pain and grief of losing a loved one is the most terrifying and tragic feeling in the world and this next story about actor Liam Neeson explains that.
The star says his wife’s sudden and tragic death is a void that can never be fulfilled and no matter how much time passes on, the grief continues to strike him like a huge wave.
Neeson opened up about his pain and struggles after his partner passed away in a tragic skiing accident. It was revealed how he just couldn’t ever come back from that episode again during his latest and exclusive interview.
Natasha Richardson was declared brain dead after she hit her head in an awful and heartbreaking accident while the couple was on a skiing vacation. And that one incident turned the star’s life around forever.
He still says how hard he finds that bitter reality to be true. According to him, it feels like it never happened and he hopes and prays that someday, Natasha would come through that open door, and they’ll go back to leading that life forever.
“I had to tell her that sweetie, you’re not coming back after this. You hit your head so hard. I love you!”- these were the last words he mentioned to his dear wife and according to him, it was the most tragic and painful moment of his life.
He told about that sinking feeling that he got when the doctors mentioned how his wife would never be able to come back again. And that felt as if someone had removed the ground from under his feet.
What was even more heartbreaking is how he mentioned a pact that was made among them. If either of them was in that vegetative state, they would pull the plug. And that for him was just so painful.