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Man Given Just Six Months To Live After ‘Suspicious Mole’ Turns Out To Be Deadly Cancer

A man from Queensland has been given just six months to live after a dodgy-looking mole actually turned out to be terminal cancer.



The patient Nicholas Smithson says his hairdresser first noticed the mole across his neck and by that time, he alerted him that something was not right. But it was just too late as that suspicious mark was actually cancer and now, he’s been given just a few months to live. 

Source: Daily Mail

“I had no clue about this. I went to the doctors at the start and told them about the mole and they reassured me that it was nothing to worry about. And then when I went back again, I was offered the most haunting news ever”- Nicholas explained.


He also explained how he noticed the size get doubled and that was another indication for him that something was wrong. But again, the medical experts urged him not to worry and that he was overthinking. 

Source: Daily Mail

Still not happy with their diagnosis, he went to a skin specialist who was very alarmed by the presence of the mole. He immediately took a biopsy and informed him that it was cancer and had already spread. 


This is known as nodular melanoma and is deemed to be one of the most deadly neoplasms, as revealed by experts. And that’s why he is now left with no choice but to make the most of his life. 

Source: Daily Mail

The news has really left him devastated. He added how he just stared at a wall and began to cry. “I did not know what to make of it. It was like my nightmare was coming true”- he cried. 

Source: Daily Mail

After having the mole removed and the lymph nodes associated with it, he noticed another growth behind his ear and it was clear that there was no end. The tumor was spreading.