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“My Wife Lies Through Her Teeth To Everyone So I Made A Game Out Of It! Now She Refuses To Talk To Me!”

One man is shedding light on a dilemma that he’s currently facing with his wife and he wants netizens on social media to give their advice.


The thought of referring to your own wife as a liar is definitely not cool but one seems to be playing with your wife.

Source: Mirror US

While most of us are guilty of telling the big white lie or the odd one out in a particular situation, not everyone happens to take jokes too well in today’s day and age.


This next story has to do with a husband who may have exposed his wife’s lying talent to family and friends. And she’s not happy about that, one bit. Yes, he has even gone on to make a game regarding her hidden powers of lying and that has left her furious as can be.

Source: Pixabay

The husband says he fails to see what he did wrong here and why his wife was behaving in this manner. If that was not enough, he refused to admit his mistake and said he was clueless about why and where her anger was coming from.


“She vowed to never speak to me again but I don’t get it. She’s got a hidden talent of making up tales that aren’t even true”- he mentioned.

Source: Pixabay

The husband admitted through Reddit how much he adores his wife to bits and how she’s the most amazing partner he could ever imagine for himself. But her lies are just over the moon and she does it to please people and make herself feel better.

Source: Pixabay

He also admitted how the lies were not the usual basic ones but those that were beyond ridiculous. And now, he thinks it’s high time that people understood the reality of the matter, instead of simply sugar-coating the behavior.


But now that she’s not speaking to him, he’s in a dilemma about how he can fix the issue.