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“That’s Your Responsibility”- Honey Boo Boo SLAMS Mama June For REFUSING To Pay For Her College

Honey Boo Boo has slammed Mama June for not keeping her as a priority in her life anymore.


This includes accusing her mom of refusing to pay her education fee for college, leaving the youngster on the verge of tears.

Source: WeTV

Instead, Honey Boo Boo whose real name is Alana, mentioned how her mom was too busy spending thousands on jewelry including chains. This was said to be unfair and shocking, as Alana feels helpless right now.

Source: WeTV

The latest incident was revealed in the family’s crisis episode leaving fans stunned and some very upset. They felt her mom needed to do better to make sure her child did not feel this way and left out.

Source: WeTV

The 18-year-old was given a justification by the mother but many say that just is not good enough. “She has the money to spend on her new husband but I am her child. She needs to remember that I am a priority for her as well”- the star added.


Source: WeTV

As expected, her mom has denied all the allegations put up in front of the world and feels the matter isn’t what it seems. She hopes to find a solution soon to make her daughter understand the matter and not jump to conclusions so soon.