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Mariah Carey Suffers Emotional Breakdown After Revealing Her Mom & Sister DIED On The Same Day

Mariah Carey has just confirmed to the world that her mother and sister have passed away in a shocking and emotional statement.


The singer says her heart is completely broken and she does not know how or what to do in this type of situation, clearly revealing her emotional statement at this moment in time.

Source: Daily Mail

The singer says both tragic events happened on the same day and it’s just not something that she was prepared for by any means.


Her mother Patricia was 87 while her sister Alison was 63 who died over the weekend. She says that the tragic turn of events has shattered her life as losing one family member is so hard but to have two lost on the same day is double the trauma.

Source: Twitter

‘I feel so blessed to be able to spend the final week with my mother before she died’- the singer revealed. She also shared how she appreciated all of the love and support that was coming in her direction at this moment in time.


She requests her privacy during this period of mourning and wants the world to respect her wishes as she does need to be on her own to heal.

Source: Shutterstock

Since then, there have been no specific indications or details on what went wrong and what their causes of death could be.